Add Multiple Entities to a Model

  1. Right-click on the "Entity" folder (for example, Points) in the Project Browser and select Add "Entity" from the context menu, or right-click on the "Entity" panel button on the toolbar.
    Tip: You can also right-click on a system in the Project Browser and use the context menu to add an "entity" (for example: Add > Reference Entity > "Entity", Add > Constraint > "Entity", Add > Force Entity > "Entity", Add > Control Entity > "Entity", Add > General MDL Entity > "Entity").
    The Add "Entity" dialog is displayed for the current entity type.
  2. The parent system name is displayed in the System field.
  3. Enter a label in the Label: field, if you want to use a different label name than the default.
    The label name can be changed at any time.
  4. Enter a variable name in the Variable: field, if you want to use a different variable name than the default.
    The variable name is required and cannot be changed after it is defined.
  5. Under Type:, select single or pair, if applicable.
  6. Select a type (if applicable). For example, when adding a Joint, select the joint type.
  7. Optional: Enter any notes in the Note: text box.
  8. Click Apply.
    The new entity is added to the model in the current system.
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 to add each additional entity.
  10. Click OK.
    Note: If you click OK, another entity is added to the entity list. For example, if you have already added three entities using the Apply button, another entity is added to the entity list when you click OK. Click Cancel to stop adding entities to the list and exit the dialog.