Using Grasub (FTire only)

The ability to visualize tires deforming is important during the post processing of a simulation that used FTIRE. This can be done in HyperView by including the use of Grasub in the Post_Graphic xml entity (as shown below).

Figure 1.

The 10.0-SA-110 and later versions of the mdllib contain this by default inside the Tire system definition; however it is default set to 'off' (this is because usage of this subroutine costs CPU time, and its main value is to visualize tire deformation related to FTire).

To make this active simply right-click on the Grasub for Ftire Template item in the Project Browser and select Activate from the context menu.

Figure 2.

xml syntax for MotionSolve

     id                  = "4000001"
     type                = "UserGra"
     ref_marker_id       = ""
     usrsub_param_string = "USER(1, 2, , 40, 72)"
     usrsub_dll_name     = "[path to your install]/hwsolvers/bin/win32/mbdtire.dll"
     usrsub_fnc_name     = "tiregra"
     id                  = "4000002"
     type                = "UserGra"
     ref_marker_id       = ""
     usrsub_param_string = "USER(1, 2, , 40, 72)"
     usrsub_dll_name     = "[path to your install]/hwsolvers/bin/win32/mbdtire.dll"
     usrsub_fnc_name     = "tiregra"
     id                  = "4000003"
     type                = "UserGra"
     ref_marker_id       = ""
     usrsub_param_string = "USER(1, 2, , 40, 72)"
     usrsub_dll_name     = "[path to your install]/hwsolvers/bin/win32/mbdtire.dll"
     usrsub_fnc_name     = "tiregra"
     id                  = "4000004"
     type                = "UserGra"
     ref_marker_id       = ""
     usrsub_param_string = "USER(1, 2, , 40, 72)"
     usrsub_dll_name     = "[path to your install]/hwsolvers/bin/win32/mbdtire.dll"
     usrsub_fnc_name     = "tiregra"
The parameters are described below:

Par[1] = tire GFORCE id

Par[2] = reference frame for output mesh (1 - output expressed in inertial frame, 2 - output expressed in rim fixed frame, 3 - output expressed in tydex-C frame)

Par[3] = uMax number of slices along the lateral direction (from side to side of the tire…)

Par[4] = vMax number of subdivision (or wedges) along the circumference