Browsers provide a structured view of model data, which you can use to review, modify, create, and manage
the contents of a model. In addition to visualization, browsers offer features like search, filtering, and sorting,
which enhance your ability to navigate and interact with the model data.
A face is a single Non-uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) and is the smallest area entity. It has a separate underlying
mathematical definition, specified when it was created.
Use the Extract tool to convert sketches into geometry lines and surfaces with the realize option. Delete lines and
surfaces converted from a sketch entity with the unrealize option.
FE geometry is topology on top of mesh, meaning CAD and mesh exist as a single entity. The purpose of FE geometry
is to add vertices, edges, surfaces, and solids on FE models which have no CAD geometry.
Tools and workflows that are dedicated to rapidly creating new parts for specific use cases, or amending existing
parts. The current capabilities are focused on stiffening parts.
Use PhysicsAI to build fast predictive models from CAE data. PhysicsAI can be trained on data with any physics or
remeshing and without design variables.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as
corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Revolve surfaces, nodes, lines,
elements, or facets around a defined axis.
From the Topology ribbon, Extrude/Revolve tool group, click the
Revolve tool.
Figure 1.
Optional: On the guide bar, click
to define additional options.
Tip: Click to define the Biasing
method and Biasing intensity for the element/facets selection.
Figure 2. No Biasing
Figure 3. Linear Biasing
Figure 4. Exponential Biasing
Figure 5. Bellcurve Biasing
Choose between Surfaces, Nodes,
Elements, and Facets
using the guide bar selector.
Select surfaces/nodes/lines/elements/facets in the
modeling window.
Click Axis on the guide bar.
Left-click to place the axis.
Revolve your selection by
dragging the slider or entering an angle in the microdialog.
Tip: Click in the microdialog to define the direction of the axis using the Vector
tool. Once a direction has been defined, press Esc.
Enter the density
value in the microdialog for elements / facets
selection to Specify the number of elements to generate along the path
of the revolve.
Check Create mesh to automatically
open the 2D meshing tool after creating surfaces. After you finish meshing, exit
the tool to return to Geometry.
On the guide bar, click one of the following:
- Apply and stay in the tool
- Apply and close the tool
- Exit the tool without applying
For the nodes input, based on the geometry creation mode defined, either a
CAD surface or an FE geometry surface is created. While using the Revolve tool for lines or
surfaces, the input determines whether a CAD surface or an FE geometry
surface is created. For example, CAD lines are created as CAD surfaces, FE
geometry edges are created as FE geometry surfaces.
FE geometry solid creation for elements/facets selection is not supported at
this time.
A revolve preview for FE
geometry solids is not supported at this time.