hexa (area_tie)

Restriction: Available in Abaqus and OptiStruct.

Creates hexa elements between shell and/or solid elements in order to connect them using a tie contact definition. The hexa element nodes will project and touch the shell and/or solid element faces. During the realization, a default tie contact and referencing main and secondary sets are created; unless defined differently, the hexas are assigned a default property and material, and are organized into a component with the same name base as the property.

The default tie contact and material parameters can be changed in the files below this path: ..\Altair\2023\hwdektop\hm\scripts\connectors\Hexa_Tie\.
Note: IDs, names, and card type cannot be changed.

Figure 1.

Hexa Realization Options

Option Action
coats Defines the number of hexa elements required along the thickness.
Note: Multiple solid coats are supported when adhesive-hemming is selected.
Select a method for defining the thickness of a hexa weld.
shell gap
Project the hexa to touch the shell elements.
The position is independent from any thickness.
Hexa size (thickness) depends on the shell thickness of the connected parts.
mid thickness
Calculate the hexa size (thickness) as the air gap between the two connected parts.
If there is no gap, or even a penetration, the hexa size is always modeled with 1.0.
const. thickness
Specify the hexa size (thickness).
maintain gaps
Calculate the hexa size (thickness) as the gap distance reduced by two times the specified value for maintain gaps.
The position is independent from any thickness.
Note: The exact hexa position is also influenced by the option consider shell thickness and offset for hexa positioning.

Figure 2.
direction node Define the direction node.