Default values for the offset functionality of Model Verification.
- action
- Type or Run to be selected. Offset=Surfaces will offset if thickness value exists. No-offset=all the surface/solids will be read, no offset applied and converted to HM format by assigning PID, Material and Thickness
- value
- Default GUI Value for % thickness value.
- mode
- Default GUI Value.
- use_result_directory
- The resulting .hm files are stored in the report directory rather than the input directory.
- matvec-normalcheck
- Applicable for material vector based offset logic. If ON, the surface normal is compared with matvec normal direction, and the surface will be reverted to suit matvec line direction
- matvec-thick
- Check for thickness update.
- matvec-linetol
- Tolerance to search a line from its nearest surfaces.
- matvec-angle
- Allowable positive / negative angle value.
- matvec-comp
- Material vector or Matrix Line Component name or assembly name.
- offset-direction
- Material Vector or Matrix Line exist near hole or surface.
- surface-reverse-normal
- If the value is 1, surface normals are reversed, recommended for few specific Catia data.