pltIPlot GetGridLineColor
Gets the grid line color of the plot.
pltIPlot_handle GetGridLineColor
Tcl Query
Returns the index of the grid line color of the plot.
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Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running applications in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Extensions are programs integrated with the application to enhance or extend the user experience.
Altair Binary Format (ABF) is the standard binary format read by the program. A library called abflib allows you to create files in ABF.
A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The Altair ASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format.
Batch mode allows you perform a series of operations outside the program interface.
External resources can be registered in preference files, session files, or Templex files. If an external resource is registered in a program session, it is automatically registered in the session file when the session is saved.
The application's scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
APIs can be used to perform various actions in an application. For example, the AddPage API can be used to add a page within the project.
Overview of object hierarchy for HyperView, HyperGraph, HyperMesh, MotionView, MediaView and TextView.
Links to the introductory pages for the Tcl/Tk commands that can be used in HyperView, MotionView, HyperGraph, HyperGraph 3D, TextView and MediaView.
Examples of script uses cases.
Learn more about Tcl/Tk with this basic example.
Learn more about programming with Tcl/Tk commands with this tutorial.
Tcl/Tk classes for the following Altair HyperWorks applications.
Adds an empty curve to the plot.
Adds a horizontal axis to the plot.
Adds an empty horizontal datum to the plot.
Adds an empty note to the plot.
Adds a phase datum.
Adds a radical datum.
Adds a new vertical axis to the plot.
Adds an empty vertical datum to the plot.
Forces the plot to recompute the minimum and maximum values for its axes.
Indicates whether values are displayed above the bars.
Clears all data from the plot.
Copies the curve to the internal clipboard.
Copies a horizontal axis.
Copies a note.
Copies a phase datum.
Copies a radial datum.
Copies a vertical axis.
Copies a vertical datum.
Cuts the curve and places it on the internal clipboard.
Cuts a horizontal axis.
Cuts a note.
Cuts a phase datum.
Cuts a radial datum.
Cuts a vertical axis.
Cuts a horizontal datum.
Indicates whether values are to be displayed above the bars.
Forces the plot to redraw.
Exports the plot as an Microsoft EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) file.
Gets the background color of the plot.
Gets the bar gap for the plot.
Gets the bar method for the plot.
Gets the bar orientation for the plot.
Gets a handle to a pltIAxis interface for the category axis.
Gets the display direction of the category labels on a bar chart's horizontal axes.
Finds the category values of the plot.
Gets the chart type of the plot.
Gets the display mode of complex plot.
Finds the type of complex plot that is in the top area.
Gets the plot’s context menu parameter.
Gets a handle to a pltICurve interface for the specified curve.
Gets a handle to a pltIDrawControl interface for the plot.
Gets a handle to a pltITitle interface for the footer.
Gets the frame color of the plot.
Gets the grid line color of the plot.
Gets a handle to a pltITitle interface for the header.
Gets a handle to a pltIAxis interface for the specified horizontal axis.
Gets a handle to a pltIDatum interface for the specified horizontal datum.
Gets the state for automatically positioning the legend.
Gets a handle to a pltILegend interface for the legend.
Gets the legend location for the plot.
Gets a handle to a pltIAxis interface for the magnitude axis.
Gets a handle to a pltINote interface for the specified note.
Returns the number of curves in the plot.
Finds the number of objects on the clipboard.
Returns the number of horizontal axes in the plot.
Returns the number of horizontal datums in the plot.
Returns the number of notes in the plot.
Returns the number of vertical axes in the plot.
Returns the number of vertical datums in the plot.
Gets a handle to a pltIAxis interface for the phase axis.
Gets whether the curve is displayed on the phase component (constrained to -180 to 180 range) or hidden.
Finds whether the phase axis position begins at the top or the right side.
Gets a handle to an interface for the specified object.
Gets the polar method for the plot.
Returns whether or not shift-picking is on.
Gets the line style of the tip-to-tail curve. Finds the style of the arrow in a polar plot.
Finds the thickness of the arrow in a polar plot.
Gets the selection method for the tip-to-tail curve.
Finds the number of vectors included in the tip-to-tail curve.
Indicates if the plot is using a uniform aspect ratio.
Gets a handle to a pltIAxis interface for the specified vertical axis.
Gets a handle to a pltIDatum interface for the specified vertical datum.
Gets the zero line color of the plot.
Pastes the curves from the clipboard into the current plot
Pastes previously copied or cut horizontal axes.
Pastes the previously copied or cut horizontal datum.
Pastes previously copied or cut notes.
Pastes previously copied or cut phase datum lines.
Pastes previously copied or cut radical datum lines.
Pastes previously copied or cut vertical axes.
Pastes the previously copied or cut vertical datum.
Forces the plot to regenerate all calculated data and reread all file data. Only curve data that has been modified since the last call to Recalculate is recomputed.
Removes the specified curve from the plot.
Removes the specified horizontal axis from the plot.
Removes the specified horizontal datum from the plot.
Removes the specified note from the plot.
Removes the specified axis from the plot.
Removes the specified vertical datum from the plot.
Resets the tip-to-tail vector count.
Sets the background color of the plot.
Sets the bar gap for the plot.
Sets the bar gap for the plot to its default.
Sets the bar method for the plot.
Specifies whether the category axis lies along the horizontal or vertical axis.
Adjusts the display of the category labels along the horizontal axes of bar charts.
Sets the category values.
Sets the chart type of the plot.
Sets the color options of the plot to the default values.
Sets the display mode of complex plot.
Sets the top area of the complex plot.
Sets the procedure to be used for drawing instead of normal plot drawing.
Sets the frame color of the plot.
Sets the grid line color of the plot.
Sets the state for automatically positioning the legend.
Sets the legend location for the plot.
Indicates whether the phase component should be constrained to the -180 to 180 range.
Sets the phase axis to begin at the top of the circular plot.
Sets the polar method for the plot.
Sets the procedure to be used after normal plot drawing.
Sets whether or not shift-picking is enabled.
Sets the style of the arrow in a polar plot.
Sets the thickness of the arrow in a polar plot.
Sets the selection method for the tip-to-tail curve.
Sets the thickness and the style of the polar arrow to a preset preference.
Sets the number of vectors included in the tip-to-tail curve.
Sets the plot to use a uniform aspect ratio.
Sets the zero line color of the plot.
Swaps the locations of the complex independent axes.
Translators are utilities that are run from the command line of the operating system to convert various types of files into different formats.
XML commands in the Result Math Module.
Record playback workflows in the application.
The Script and Model Library is a database of freely accessible scripts and models posted by users and Altair engineers.
Tcl/Tk classes for the following Altair HyperWorks applications.
The application's scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running applications in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Gets the grid line color of the plot.
Gets the grid line color of the plot.
pltIPlot_handle GetGridLineColor
Tcl Query
Returns the index of the grid line color of the plot.
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