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Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running applications in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Extensions are programs integrated with the application to enhance or extend the user experience.
Altair Binary Format (ABF) is the standard binary format read by the program. A library called abflib allows you to create files in ABF.
A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The Altair ASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format.
Batch mode allows you perform a series of operations outside the program interface.
External resources can be registered in preference files, session files, or Templex files. If an external resource is registered in a program session, it is automatically registered in the session file when the session is saved.
The application's scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
APIs can be used to perform various actions in an application. For example, the AddPage API can be used to add a page within the project.
Overview of object hierarchy for HyperView, HyperGraph, HyperMesh, MotionView, MediaView and TextView.
Links to the introductory pages for the Tcl/Tk commands that can be used in HyperView, MotionView, HyperGraph, HyperGraph 3D, TextView and MediaView.
Examples of script uses cases.
Learn more about Tcl/Tk with this basic example.
Learn more about programming with Tcl/Tk commands with this tutorial.
Tcl/Tk classes for the following Altair HyperWorks applications.
Gets the note text alignment.
Gets the note attachment method.
Gets the list of entity types to which a note can be attached.
Gets the note auto-hide status. Auto-hidden notes will not display if the attachment point is occluded.
Gets the background/fill color of the note.
Gets the color mode for the background fill of the note.
Gets the text border thickness.
Gets the bounding box of the note.
Gets the note text color index.
Gets the color mode for the border of the note.
Gets the expanded/evaluated version of the text for a note, if it contains any Templex statements.
Gets the list of valid field names for a note.
Gets the font name being used to draw the note in the graphics area.
Gets a handle to an hwIFont interface for the font of the note.
Gets the height of the bounding box of the note.
Gets the label of the note.
Gets the name of the note.
Gets the note position.
Gets whether or not the note is positioned at the attachment location.
Gets the position type of the note.
Gets the rotation angle of the note.
Gets whether or not the note is anchored.
Gets the current shape of the note.
Gets the note text.
Gets the color mode for the text of the note.
Gets the transparency attribute value (true/false).
Gets the note visibility.
Gets the width of the bounding box of the note.
Sets the text alignment for the note.
Sets the note attachment method.
Sets the note auto-hide attribute.
Sets the background/fill color for the note.
Sets the color mode for the background fill of the note.
Sets the note border thickness.
Sets the note border thickness.
Sets the note border and leader line color.
Sets the color mode for the border of the note.
Sets the font by name.
Sets the note label.
Sets the note label.
Sets the note position.
Controls the leader length of the note.
Sets the position type of the note.
Sets the rotation angle of the note.
Anchors the note at its current position.
Sets the current shape of the note.
Sets the note text.
Sets the note border and leader line color.
Sets the color mode for the text of the note.
Sets the transparency attribute value (true/false).
Sets the note visibility.
Translators are utilities that are run from the command line of the operating system to convert various types of files into different formats.
XML commands in the Result Math Module.
Record playback workflows in the application.
The Script and Model Library is a database of freely accessible scripts and models posted by users and Altair engineers.
Tcl/Tk classes for the following Altair HyperWorks applications.
The application's scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running applications in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
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