cbush (spot tie)

Restriction: Only available in OptiStruct.

Creates bush (CBUSH) elements between shell and/or solid elements in order to connect them using a tie contact definition. The bush element nodes will project and touch the shell and/or solid element faces. During the realization, a default tie contact and referencing main and secondary sets are created; unless defined differently, the bushs are assigned a default property, and are organized into a component with the same name base as the property. If no specific bush coordinate system is defined, the bush elements are defined with a vector x1, x2, and x3 normal to it.

The default tie contact and material parameters can be changed in the files below this path: ..\Altair\2023\hwdesktop\hm\scripts\connectors\Bush_Tie\optistruct\.
Note: IDs, names, and card type cannot be changed.

Figure 1.