cweld (GA_GB ALIGN)

Restriction: Available in Nastran and OptiStruct.

Creates 1D CWELD element via GA-GB ALIGN.

This realization uses the prop_cweld.tcl property script.

Figure 1.

CWELD Realization Options

Option Action
use shortest projection for center / use connector position for center
use shortest projection for center
From the connector position the closest node (shell or solid) is identified. This node becomes the GS node.
If a node is defined as link, this option will be ignored and use connector position for center is selected instead.
use connector position for center
The connector position is used for the later GS node.
If the connector has a node link defined, this node becomes the GS node. This can be used to create a CWELD attached to a SPC node.
If the connector is very close to an existing node of a link (shell, solid, 1D element), this node will be taken as a GS node.
If the connector is somewhere in space, a tempnode is created at that position and then taken as a GS node.
Note: (Only available for type CWELD (general), when the nodetype GS (point to face) is selected)
CWELD Type Select a CWELD type definition.
Note: Only available for type CWELD (general).
Nodetype Select a nodetype. Available nodetypes depend upon the CWELD type selected.
GS (face to face)
GS (point to face)
GS (face to face)
GS (point to face)
GS (face to face)
GS (face to face)

GS (face to face)

GS (point to face)

Note: Only available for type CWELD (general).
recenter GS Reposition the initial GS position between node GA and GB. After re-positioning, projections are done a second time to identify the correct node/element IDs.

Figure 2.
Note: Only available for type CWELD (general), when the nodetype GS (point to face) is selected.
centered quad Perform a mesh modification during the realization to guarantee that the CWELD nodes will be close to the CQUAD centroids.
Specify a desired quad size in the quad size field, or click centered quad to access additional centered quad settings.
centered quad tolerance
size tol
Dictates the maximum allowed deviation from the requested centered quad size.
Size tol. is calculated using the following formula:
absolute value(current quadsize - requested quadsize)requested quadsize
The default value is set to 0.25, which allows, for example, for a requested centered quad size of 4 to result in a centered quad size of 5.
If a specific centered quadsize is not requested, the tolerance will be used. The average mesh size in that area will then be used as the requested quadsize.
position tol
The maximum allowed distance between the cweld node and the element centroid of the centered quad.
Position tol. is calculated using the following formula:
absolute distance(center of current quad - cweld node)position tolerancerequested quadsize<1
The default value is set to 0.25, which allows, for example, for a centered quad size of 4 a distance between the cweld node and the element centroid of < 1.
If a specific centered quadsize is not requested, the tolerance will be used. The average mesh size in that area will then be used as the requested quadsize.
centered quad mesh imprint
Washer preservation settings enable washer elements close to spot connectors to be modified, depending on the chosen settings.

Figure 3. Mesh Prior to Applying the Centered Quad Mesh Imprint Option
No washer preservation
Treats washer elements in the same manner as normal elements. Washers are not protected, and could be remeshed along with its surrounding elements.

Figure 4. Mesh with Centered Quad Mesh Imprint Set to No Washer Preservation
Preserve washer, allow remesh
Only remesh the washer elements so that a washer can still be detected.

Figure 5. Mesh with Centered Quad Mesh Imprint Set to Preserve Washer, Allow Remesh
Preserve washer, no remesh
Do not modify the washer during imprint realizations. Note that with this option, nearby spot connectors might fail because of this restriction.

Figure 6. Mesh With Centered Quad Mesh Imprint Set to Preserve Washer, No Remesh
feature angle
If the nodes of the mesh are not associated with surfaces, the feature angle is needed to identify the features, which might need to be protected. By default, this value is set to 30.0°. The minimum value is 10.0°. Features will not be protected when they are close to imprint regions.
Note: Only available for type CWELD (general), CWELD (GA-GB ELEMID) and CWELD (GA-GB GRIDID).