Block Format Keyword An orthotropic strain failure criteria with size effects, strain rate effects, and damage. Available for solid and shell elements.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
P_thickfail | Strdef |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
˙ε0 | Fcut |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
fct_IDel | Fscaleel | El_ref |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
ε11d_t | ε11f_t | fct_ID11t | ε11d_c | ε11f_c | fct_ID11c |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
ε22d_t | ε22f_t | fct_ID22t | ε22d_c | ε22f_c | fct_ID22c |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
ε33d_t | ε33f_t | fct_ID33t | ε33d_c | ε33f_c | fct_ID33c |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
ε12d_t | ε12f_t | fct_ID12t | ε12d_c | ε12f_c | fct_ID12c |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
ε23d_t | ε23f_t | fct_ID23t | ε23d_c | ε23f_c | fct_ID23c |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
ε31d_t | ε31f_t | fct_ID31t | ε31d_c | ε31f_c | fct_ID31c |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
fail_ID |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
mat_ID | Material
identifier. (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
unit_ID | Unit Identifier. (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
P_thickfail | Ratio of through thickness
integration points that must fail before the element is deleted
(shells only). Default = 1.0 (Real) |
Strdef | Strain measure definition
used in failure criterion.
(Integer) |
˙ε0 | Reference strain
rate. If ˙ε≤˙ε0 , no strain rate effect. (Real) |
[1s] |
Fcut | Cutoff frequency for
strain rate smoothing. Default = 1030 (Real) |
[Hz] |
fct_IDel | Element size factor
function identifier. (Integer) |
Fscaleel | Element size function
scale factor. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
El_ref | Reference element
size. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
[m] |
ε11d_t | Tensile strain when damage begins in direction 11. | |
ε11f_t | Tensile strain when the material fails in direction 11. | |
fct_ID11t | Strain rate factor function in tension, direction 11. | |
ε11d_c | Compression strain when damage begins in direction 11. | |
ε11f_c | Compression strain when the material fails in direction 11. | |
fct_ID11c | Strain rate factor function in compression direction 11. | |
ε22d_t | Tensile strain when damage begins in direction 22. | |
ε22f_t | Tensile strain when the material fails in direction 22. | |
fct_ID22t | Strain rate factor function in tension direction 22. | |
ε22d_c | Compression strain when damage begins in direction 22. | |
ε22f_c | Compression strain when the material fails in direction 22. | |
fct_ID22c | Strain rate factor function in compression direction 22. | |
ε33d_t | Tensile strain when damage begins in direction 33. | |
ε33f_t | Tensile strain when the material fails in direction 33. | |
fct_ID33t | Strain rate function in tension direction 33. | |
ε33d_c | Compression strain when damage begins in direction 33. | |
ε33f_c | Compression strain when the material fails in direction 33. | |
fct_ID33c | Strain rate factor function in compression direction 33. | |
ε12d_t | Tensile strain when damage begins in direction 12. | |
ε12f_t | Tensile strain when the material fails in direction 12. | |
fct_ID12t | Strain rate factor function in tension direction 12. | |
ε12d_c | Compression strain when damage begins in direction 12. | |
ε12f_c | Compression strain when the material fails in direction 12. | |
fct_ID12c | Strain rate factor function in compression direction 12. | |
ε23d_t | Tensile strain when damage begins in direction 23. | |
ε23f_t | Tensile strain when the material fails in direction 23. | |
fct_ID23t | Strain rate factor function in tension direction 23. | |
ε23d_c | Compression strain when damage begins in direction 23. | |
ε23f_c | Compression strain when the material fails in direction 23. | |
fct_ID23c | Strain rate factor function in compression direction 23. | |
ε31d_t | Tensile strain when damage begins in direction 31. | |
ε31f_t | Tensile strain when the material fails in direction 31. | |
fct_ID31t | Strain rate factor function in tension direction 31. | |
ε31d_c | Compression strain when damage begins in direction 31. | |
ε31f_c | Compression strain when the material fails in direction 31. | |
fct_ID31c | Strain rate factor function in compression direction 31. | |
fail_ID | (Optional) Failure model
identifier. (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
- A damage factor is the maximum over time and is
calculated for each direction and stress state via:
(1) dijl=(εijf_lεijl)(εijl−α⋅εijd_lεijf_l−εijd_l)Where, the direction is indicated by using the common ij notation and loading state is either compression (l=c) or tension (l=t).
Where, α=factorel⋅factorrate .
The element size correction factor is:(2) factorel=Fscaleel⋅fel(SizeelEl_ref)Where,- fel
- Element size correction factor function defined via fct_IDel
- Sizeel
- Characteristic element size.
The strain rate factor is:(3) factorrate=fijl(˙εijl˙ε0)Where,- fijl
- Strain rate factor function defined via fct_IDijl .
- ˙εijl
- Current (filtered) strain rate in direction ij and load case l.
- ˙ε0
- Entered reference strain rate.
- Material damage
and stress softening are calculated as:Dmax=max(dijl) and σ=(1−Dmax)σ
- If 0<Dmax<1 , the stress tensor is reduced.
- If Dmax≥1 ,the material has failed and the integration point stress tensor is set to zero.
- Dmax can be output using options in /ANIM/Eltype/DAMA or /H3D/Eltype/DAMA.
- Solid elements are
deleted when all integration points reach the failure criterion. Shells are deleted
when the sum of thickness of failed layers /integration points in the normal
direction is greater than prescribed
(4) ∑layersthicknessfail∑layersIP>P_thickfail - When the failure model is applied to a material in STACK property, P_thickfail defines a relative thickness of failed integration points, necessary to switch off the corresponding layer. The global element suppression criterion must be defined at the property level.
- /FAIL/ORTHSTRAIN should be only associated to materials compatible with orthotropic shell properties. LAW25 is compatible only if it’s used within shell property TYPE51.