Multi-Strand Elements
Create XELEM elements.
Restriction: This tool is only available for
Radioss interface.
Use the X Elements tool to
create Multi-Strand Radioss 1D XELEM elements.-
From the Model Browser, right-click
Elements and select Create > ELEMENTS (HM) > XELEM from the context menu.
The X Elements dialog opens.
Create elements using one of the following methods.
Option Description Create elements using node selection - For Entity Selection, select Node.
- Select the nodes defining the XLEM element path.
- Select the Create Intermediate Nodes check box to automatically generate nodes between the selected nodes.
- If Create Intermediate Nodes is selected, enter a value for Node Distance.
- Click Create.
The XELEM element is generated. The /GRNOD/NODENS node set referred into the XELEM element is also automatically generated.
Create elements using a set selection - For Entity Selection, select Set.
- Select a set.Note: Only /GRNOD/NODENS sets will be listed for selection.
- Click Create.
The XELEM element is generated.