
Performs a comparison and returns matching results.


hm_getmatching entity_type mark_id ?option1=<value1>? ?option2=<value2>? ... ?optionN=<valueN>?


HyperMesh Tcl Query Command


Performs a comparison and returns matching results.

Returns a matching pair of comps or parts passed along with the percentage match. The reference/target entities are sequenced first in the output, followed by matching source entities, and subsequently followed by the matching percentage. If a source entity matches with more than one target, the pairs with maximum match percentage are returned. A source returned with one reference is not part of any other match pair.


The type of entity to compare. Valid values are comps or parts.
The ID of the mark of entities to compare. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Specifies how the matching area percentage is calculated:
ByLowestId - Calculate with respect to the entity with the lowest ID (default)
ByHighestArea - Calculate with respect to the entity with the highest area
ByLowestArea - Calculate with respect to the entity with the lowest area
This is ignored when searchMethod=ByEncoding.
Specifies with what entities the comparison happens:
0 - Use both CAD and FE from the input selection
1 - Prefer CAD over FE. This will pick FE only if the input has only FE.
2 - Use only CAD
3 - Prefer FE over CAD. This will pick CAD only if the input has only CAD.
4 - Use only FE
The match tolerance value (default 0.0).
When searchMethod=ByEncoding this is used to determine if the distance between the encodings of the source and target are less than this value.
The optional encoding algorithm to use when searchMethod=ByEncoding. Valid values are:
0 - Spherical harmonics (default)
The matching area threshold above which matching pairs are returned (default is node tolerance).
When searchMethod=ByEncoding, this is reported as (1 – differenceinencoding/deformationTolerance=<value>)
The ID of the mark of reference/target entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
If not specified, the entire source is considered.
If specified, referenceEntityType is required.
The type of reference/target entity. Valid values are comps or parts.
If not specified, the entire source is considered.
If specified, referenceEntityMarkId is required.
Specifies how the matching is done:
ByArea - Matching is done with repect to area (default)
ByEncoding -
ByTopo - Matching is done with repect to exact topo matches
Optional, valid for encoding_algorithm 0, default 16.
Optional, valid for encoding_algorithm 0, default 2.828427.
Optional, valid for encoding_algorithm 0, default 32.
Optional, valid for encoding_algorithm 0, default 64.


To compare part 4 to part 6 using a tolerance of 1.0:
*createmark parts 1 "by ids" 4
*createmark parts 2 "by ids" 6
hm_getmatching parts 1 referenceEntityType=parts referenceEntityMarkId=2 matchingPercentThreshold=0.0 deformationTolerance=1.0
To compare part 4 to part 6 using the encoding search with a tolerance of 0.6 and using both CAD and FE:
*createmark parts 1 "by ids" 4
*createmark parts 2 "by ids" 6
hm_getmatching parts 1 referenceEntityType=parts referenceEntityMarkId=2 deformationTolerance=0.6 searchMethod=ByEncoding compareType=0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History


2020.1 - Added new options compareType, encoding_algorithm, sphhar_bandwidth, sphhar_fallof, sphhar_radii and sphhar_resolution. Added new searchMethod ByEncoding.