Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- A
- The material parameter a in S-N fatigue equation.
- A1
- The components of vector a for AOPT = 2.
- a1
- First exponent in failure model.
- A2
- The components of vector a for AOPT = 2.
- a2
- Second exponent in failure model.
- A3
- The components of vector a for AOPT = 2.
- a3
- Third exponent in failure model.
- a4
- Fourth exponent in failure model.
- Ai
- The material parameter a in S-N fatigue equation for the i-th segment.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise.
- ADD_option
- afailb
- Ultimate bending strength in failure model.
- afailn
- Ultimate tensile strength in failure mode.
- afails
- Ultimate shear strength in failure model.
- afailt
- Ultimate torsion strength in failure model.
- alpha
- EWK pressure exponent.
- The material axes option for *MAT_ADD_PZELECTRIC.
- The absolute value of AOPT is a coordinate system ID.
- The area equation number for the connection area calculation.
- ArrayCount
- The s-N Curve Segment Cards. Include one card for each additional S-N curve segment.
- ascalf
- Scaling factor exponent.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- B
- The material parameter b in S-N fatigue equation.
- The material angle in degrees for AOPT = 0 and AOPT = 3.
- beta
- EWK asymmetric exponent.
- Bi
- The material parameter b in S-N fatigue equation for the i-th segment.
- The reduction factor for regularization for biaxial stress states.
- BIAXF_array
- The reduction factors for regularization at triaxiality = 2/3 (biaxial).
- BP
- The fatigue strength exponent (Basquin's exponent).
- The coefficient of Darcy's law.
- The coefficient of Dupuit-Forchheimer law.
- color
- The 1-64 color of the entity.
- color_rgb
- The RGB color of the entity.
- The connector ID referenced on *MAT_SPOTWELD_DAIMLERCHRYSLER.
- Config
- The configuration of the entity.
- CP
- The fatigue ductility exponent (Coffin-Manson exponent).
- D1
- The components of vector d for AOPT = 2.
- d1
- Energy absorption distance after failure is initiated.
- D2
- The components of vector d for AOPT = 2.
- d2
- Ultimate distance at complete failure.
- D11
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D12
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D14_13
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D21
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D22
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D24_23
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D3
- The components of vector d for AOPT = 2.
- D33
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D41_31
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D42_32
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D44
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D55
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- D66
- The ID of the curve for damage tensor coefficients.
- dc
- EWK critical damage.
- The damage threshold value (critical damage).
- DCRIT_array
- The damage threshold value (critical damage).
- The damage composition option for multiple criteria.
- The default damage parameter for hyperbolic based damage function.
- DDGPR_Funct
- The curve ID defining the default hyperbolic based damage function.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- The plastic strain increment between evaluation of damage instability and evolution criteria.
- The default tangent modulus for the spot weld element.
- DETAN_Funct
- The curve ID defining the default tangent modulus function for the spot weld element.
- The damage evolution type.
- The default exponent on bending stress term.
- DEXSB_Funct
- The curve ID defining the default function on bending stress term.
- The default exponent on normal stress term.
- DEXSN_Funct
- The curve ID defining the default function on normal stress term.
- The default exponent on shear stress term.
- DEXSS_Funct
- The curve ID defining the default function on shear stress term.
- The default fading energy for damage type 3 and type 4.
- DGFAD_Funct
- The curve ID defining the default fading energy function for damage type 3 and type 4.
- The damage parameter for hyperbolic based damage function.
- The damage type.
- The damage initialization option.
- The damage initiation type.
- The default curve ID for bending strength scale factor as a function of strain rate.
- The default curve ID for normal strength scale factor as a function of strain rate.
- The default curve ID for shear strength scale factor as a function of strain rate.
- dmgelim
- EWK maximum damage for element elimination.
- The exponent for nonlinear damage accumulation.
- DMGEXP_array
- The exponent for nonlinear damage accumulation.
- The GISSMO damage type the following applies. DMGTYP is interpreted digit-wise as follows:
- The default rank value.
- The default bending strength.
- DSB_Funct
- The curve ID defining the default bending strength function.
- The default scaling factor for torsional moment in failure function.
- The default yield stress for the spot weld element.
- DSIGY_Curve
- The curve ID defining the default yield stress function for the spot weld element.
- The default normal strength.
- DSN_Funct
- The curve ID defining the default normal strength function.
- The default shear strength.
- DSS_Funct
- The default shear strength.
- The time period (or inverse of the cutoff frequency) for the lowpass filter applied to the effective strain rate when MXEPS is negative.
- The minimum time step size at failure.
- The flag for damage behavior for *MAT_ADD_GENERALIZED_DAMAGE.
- The type of piezoelectric property definition.
- The dielectric permittivity matrix.
- The dielectric permittivity matrix.
- The dielectric permittivity matrix.
- The dielectric permittivity matrix.
- The dielectric permittivity matrix.
- The dielectric permittivity matrix.
- E
- Young's modulus.
- LT.0.0: |ECRIT| is either a load curve ID defining critical equivalent plastic strain versus triaxiality or a table ID defining critical equivalent plastic strain as a function
- ECRIT_array
- The critical history value (material instability).
- The critical plastic strain (material instability). |ECRIT| is either a load curve ID defining critical equivalent plastic strain versus triaxiality or a table ID defining critical equivalent plastic strain as a function of triaxiality and Lode parameter (as in LCSDG).
- |ECRIT| is a load curve ID defining critical history value vs. triaxiality.
- The maximum effective strain at failure, epsilon_eff.
- The effective leakage area for blocked fabric.
- ELA_curve
- |ELA| is the load curve ID of the curve defining ELA as a function of time.
- ELAOpt
- The ELA Option.
- EN_option
- The EN option.
- enercrid
- Critical strain energy density.
- The critical energy for nonlocal failure criterion.
- entities
- Element Entities Selection by Keywords.
- epsin
- EWK necking plastic strain.
- The fatigue ductility coefficient.
- The tensorial shear strain at failure, gamma_max / 2.
- The thinning strain at failure for thin and thick shells. GT.0.0: Individual thinning for each integration point from z-strain. LT.0.0: Averaged thinning strain from element thickness change.
- The tangent modulus to be used in the spot weld element calculation.
- The exclusion number.
- The exponent on bending stress term.
- The exponent on normal stress term.
- The exponent on shear stress term.
- The optional fabric characteristic parameter.
- FAC_curve
- If X0 = 0 and FVOPT LT 7: |FAC| is the load curve ID of the curve defining FAC as a function of absolute pressure. X0 = 1 and FVOPT LT 7: |FAC| is the load curve ID defining FAC as a function of the pressure ratio defined as rp = Pair/Pbag. If FVOPT GE 7: FAC defines leakage volume flux rate as a function of absolute pressure.
- FACOpt
- The FAC option.
- The exponent for damage-related stress fadeout. Constant fading exponent.
- FADEXP_array
- The exponent for damage-related stress fadeout. Constant fading exponent.
- The exponent for damage-related stress fadeout. |FADEXP| is load curve ID defining element-size dependent fading exponent.
- |FADEXP| is load curve ID defining element-size dependent fading exponent.
- faild
- The failure duration.
- failt
- The failure time.
- The failure time. GT.0: Failure time is active during any phase of the analysis. LT.0: Failure time is set to |FAILTM|. This criterion in inactive during the dynamic relaxation phase.
- filter
- Failure criterion time window type.
- flagforIDAM_DIEM
- The IDAM flag for DIEM.
- flagforQ1
- The flag for Q1.
- The optional fabric porous leakage flow coefficient.
- FLC_curve
- If X0 = 0: |FLC| is the load curve ID of the curve defining FLC as a function of time. If X0 = 1: |FLC| is the load curve ID defining FLC as a function of the stretching ratio defined as rs = A/A0.
- FLCOpt
- The FLC option.
- The fabric venting option.
- The fading energy for damage type 3 and 4.
- The number of Gauss points used for integration.
- HIS1
- The choice of variable as driving quantity for damage, called 'history value’.
- The ID of the curve defining the damage driving quantities as a function of the components of the plastic strain rate tensor, IFLG1 should be set to 1.
- HIS2
- The choice of variable as driving quantity for damage, called 'history value'.
- The ID of the curve defining the damage driving quantities as a function of the components of the plastic strain rate tensor, IFLG2 should be set to 1.
- HIS3
- The choice of variable as driving quantity for damage, called 'history value'.
- The ID of the curve defining the damage driving quantities as a function of the components of the plastic strain rate tensor, IFLG3 should be set to 1.
- The history variable used to evaluate the 3-D table LCSDG.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- The flag for damage model.
- The flag for damage model.
- IDAM_size
- The size of IDAM.
- The damage driving quantities.
- The damage strain coordinate system.
- The erosion criteria and damage coupling system.
- ifmon
- Monitoring option.
- ifrcdir
- The flag to define the normal direction used for failure evaluation of the MPC-PLINK during the computation.
- The stress impulse for failure, Kf.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- internalname
- The internal name of the entity.
- intf1
- Failure criterion time window in number of cycles.
- intf2
- INTF is the failure criterion time window period.
- The number of integration points required for the cohesive element to be deleted.
- irupopt
- Rupture model type number.
- KP
- The cyclic strain hardening coefficient.
- The inelasticity law.
- The load curve ID defining damage limit values as a function of triaxiality.
- LCDLIM_array
- The load curve ID defining damage limit values as a function of triaxiality.
- The load curve ID defining in-plane shear strain limit gamma12^c as a function of element size.
- The load curve ID defining through-thickness shear strain limit gamma13^c as a function of element size.
- The load curve ID defining in-plane major strain limit epsilon1^c as a function of element size.
- The load curve ID or Table ID. Load curve defines the Forming Limit Diagram. Table defines for each strain rate (LCFLD > 0) or for each shell thickness (LCFLD < 0) an associated FLD curve.
- The load curve ID defining the thermal expansion coefficient (for isotropic material models) as a function of temperature or (for anisotropic material models) in the local material a-direction for *MAT_ADD_THERMAL_EXPANSION.
- LCID_curve
- The S-N fatigue curve ID.
- LCID_eq
- The S-N fatigue curve ID.
- LCID_option
- The S-N fatigue curve ID.
- The load curve ID defining the thermal expansion coefficient in the local material b-direction as a function of state of charge for *MAT_ADD_THERMAL_EXPANSION.
- The load curve ID defining the thermal expansion coefficient in the local material c-direction as a function of state of charge for *MAT_ADD_THERMAL_EXPANSION.
- The load curve giving factor on PERM as a function of z-coordinate.
- The curve defining non-linear Darcy's laws along x-directions.
- The curve defining non-linear Darcy's laws along y-directions.
- The curve defining non-linear Darcy's laws along z-directions.
- LCREG_array
- The load curve ID defining element size dependent regularization factors for history value to failure.
- The load curve ID or table ID defining element size dependent regularization factors for equivalent plastic strain to failure:
- The load curve ID or Table ID defining element size dependent regulari-zation factors for equivalent plastic strain to failure. |LCREGD| is Table ID (reg. factor vs. element size curves vs. triaxiality).
- The curve ID for bending strength scale factor as a function of strain rate.
- lcscale
- Identification number of the curve for boundary dependency as a function of distance.
- The failure strain curve/table or function. Load curve ID or table ID. As a load curve, it defines equivalent plastic strain to failure as a function of triaxiality. As a table, it defines for each Lode parameter value (between -1 and 1) a load curve ID giving the equivalent plastic strain to failure as a function of triaxiality for that Lode parameter value.
- LCSDG_array
- The load curve ID defining corresponding history value to failure vs. triaxiality.
- The failure strain curve/table or function. |LCSDG| is the ID of a function (*DEFINE_FUNCTION) with the arguments triaxiality and Lode parameter: f(ETA, L).
- The curve ID for normal strength scale factor as a function of strain rate.
- The load curve ID or table ID. Load curve ID defining failure strain scaling factor for LCSDG as a function of strain r. Table ID defining failure strain scaling factor as a function of strain rate (TABLE) and triaxiality (CURVE).
- LCSRS_array
- The load curve ID defining failure history value scaling factor for LCSDG as a function of history value rate. If the first rate value in the curve is negative, it is assumed that all rate values are given as natural logarithm of the history rate. GT.0: Scale ECRIT as well. LT.0: Do not scale ECRIT.
- The curve ID for shear strength scale factor as a function of strain rate.
- The option to use a bending indicator instead of the Lode parameter.
- The type of S-N curve.
- The material axes change flag for brick elements.
- MID_array
- The material ID of the shell material for which properties are defined.
- The material ID for which the materialbehavior applies.
- The mid-plane failure option for shell elements.
- MIDFAIL_array
- The mid-plane failure option for shell elements.
- The minimum principal strain at failure, epsilon_min.
- The minimum pressure at failure, Pmin.
- Modeled area flag.
- The model definition within the specified law.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- The scale factor scaling load curve given by LCID.
- The scale factor scaling load curve given by LCIDY.
- The scale factor scaling load curve given by LCIDZ.
- The variable to invoke a failure criterion based on maximum principal strain. Maximum principal strain at failure, epsilon_max.
- The variable to invoke a failure criterion based on maximum principal strain. -MXEPS is the ID of a curve giving maximum principal strain at failure as a function of effective strain rate.
- The maximum pressure at failure, Pmax.
- The maximum temperature at failure.
- The number of history variables from damage model which should be stored in standard material history array for postprocessing.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- The number of failure conditions to satisfy before failure occurs.
- The number of damage initiation and evolution model (DIEM) criteria to be applied.
- NFLOC_array
- The optional local number of failed integration points prior to element deletion.
- The number of history variables as driving quantities (min = 1, max = 3).
- The number of inelasticity laws.
- The number of links/networks/phases specified by the user.
- The ID of node1.
- The ID of node2.
- The ID of node3.
- The ID of node4.
- The ID of node5.
- The ID of node6.
- The ID of node7.
- NP
- The cyclic strain hardening exponent.
- The number of explicit time step cycles for stress fade-out used in the LCFLD criterion.
- Number_of_Materials
- The number of Material.
- numdata
- Number of user defined cards.
- The number or percentage of failed integration points prior to element deletion.
- The optional Card3 flag.
- The additional Failure Criteria Card.
- The additional Failure Criteria Card.
- OPT_DSIGY_curve
- The DSIGY Curve flag.
- OPT_ECRIT_curve
- The ECRIT flag.
- OPT_ECRIT_curve_array
- The ECRIT curve flag.
- OPT_FADEXP_curve
- The FADEXP flag.
- OPT_FADEXP_curve_array
- The FADEXP curve flag.
- OPT_HIS1_curve
- The HIS1 curve flag.
- OPT_HIS2_curve
- The HIS2 curve flag.
- OPT_HIS3_curve
- The HIS3 curve flag.
- OPT_LCREGD_table
- The LCREGD flag: curve Vs function.
- OPT_LCSDG_funct
- The LCSDG flag: curve Vs function.
- OPT_LCSRS_scale
- The LCREGD flag: scale Vs not scale ECRIT.
- OPT_LCSRS_scale_array
- The LCSRS scale flag.
- OPT_MXEPS_curve
- The MXEPS flag.
- OPT_SIGVM_curve
- The SIGVM flag.
- OPT_SIGY_curve
- The SIGY Curve flag.
- The STOCHASTIC option.
- Option
- The option of the entity.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
- P1
- The damage initiation parameter for *MAT_ADD_DAMAGE_DIEM.
- The virgin yield stress, sigma0 or Norton creep parameter, A or Norton-Bailey creep parameter, A or Shear decay coefficient, betaG.
- P2
- The damage initiation parameter for *MAT_ADD_DAMAGE_DIEM.
- P3
- The damage initiation parameter for *MAT_ADD_DAMAGE_DIEM.
- P4
- The plane stress option for shell elements for *MAT_ADD_DAMAGE_DIEM.
- P5
- The load curve or table ID representing regularization factor as a function of the characteristic element size (curve) or regularization factor as a function of the characteristic element size and abscissa value of the criterion used (table) for *MAT_ADD_DAMAGE_DIEM.
- The norton-Bailey creep parameter, p or Shear shift coefficient, BG.
- P6
- The norton-Bailey creep parameter, m or Bulk reference temperature, TG.
- P7
- The norton-Bailey creep parameter, epsilon0 or Bulk shift coefficient, AK.
- P8
- The norton-Bailey creep parameter, epsilon0 or Bulk shift coefficient, BK.
- The initial pressure of pore air.
- The initial density of pore air.
- The pre-defined damage tensors.
- The permeability.
- PERM_curve
- The load curve ID defining permeability.
- The permeability of pore air along x-direction.
- PERM1_curve
- The curve ID defining permeability coefficient as a function of volume ratio of current volume to volume in the stress free state.
- PERM1_flag
- The PERM1_flag.
- The permeability of pore air along y-direction.
- PERM2_curve
- The curve ID defining permeability coefficient as a function of volume ratio of current volume to volume in the stress free state.
- PERM2_flag
- The PERM2_flag.
- The permeability of pore air along z-direction.
- PERM3_curve
- The curve defining permeability coefficient as a function of volume ratio of current volume to volume in the stress free state.
- PERM3_flag
- The PERM3_flag.
- The ID of the part for which the materialbehavior applies.
- plim
- EWK pressure limit.
- plugname
- Plug-in dynamic library name.
- The permeability definition type.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- The porosity, meaning the ratio of pores to total volume.
- PR
- Poisson's ratio.
- The name of the property (same as the variable for a material model in keyword card).
- The name of the property (same as the variable for a material model in keyword card).
- The failure rule number for this connection. EQ.1: Use data of weld partner with lower RANK (default). GE.2: Use DEFINE_FUNCTION expressions to determine weld data depending on several values of both weld partners.
- PX12
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PX13
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PX22
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PX23
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PX33
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PY11
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PY12
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PY13
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PY22
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PY23
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PY33
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PZ11
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PZ12
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PZ13
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PZ22
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PZ23
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- PZ33
- The piezoelectric matrix.
- Q1
- The damage evolution parameter.
- The damage evolution parameter.
- The damage evolution parameter.
- Q1
- The damage evolution parameter.
- Q2
- Set to 1.0 to output information to log files (messag and d3hsp) when an integration point fails.
- Q3
- The damage evolution parameter.
- qualifier
- Non-local average type.
- qualifier1
- Boundary dependence type.
- The critical radius for nonlocal failure criterion.
- radiusave
- Radius to define the size of the spatial averaging region.
- The rank value.
- rc
- EWK critical distance.
- The reference element size, for which an additional output of damage will be generated for *MAT_ADD_GENERALIZED_DAMAGE.
- The flag for whether density is specified per unit area or volume.
- SB
- The bending strength.
- scalrad
- Scaling factor for the RADIUSave value to define the minimum distance between two centers in the same non-local average.
- The scaling factor for torsional moment in failure function.
- The reduction factor for regularization for shear stress states.
- SHRF_array
- The reduction factors for regularization at triaxiality = 0 (shear).
- The fatigue strength coefficient.
- The maximum principal stress at failure, sigma_max.
- The threshold stress, sigma0.
- The equivalent stress at failure, sigma_signed_max.
- The equivalent stress at failure, sigma_signed_max. -SIGMVM is a load curve ID giving the equivalent stress at failure as a function of the effective strain rate.
- The yield stress to be used in the spot weld element calculation.
- SIGY_Curve
- The yield stress to be used in the spot weld element calculation.
- The flag for method of element size determination.
- SN
- The normal strength.
- SNLIMIT determines the algorithm used when stress is lower than STHRES or than the lowest stress on S-N curve.
- The stress type of S-N curve.
- The softening reduction factor for failure strain in crashfront elements . EQ.0.0: Inactive. GT.0.0: Plastic failure strain, epsilon_f (LCSDG), and critical plastic strain, epsilon_p_loc (ECRIT), will be scaled by SOFT. LT.0.0: Only plastic failure strain, epsilon_f (LCSDG), will be scaled by |SOFT|
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- solvername
- The solver name of the entity for entities enabled for name pool, otherwise the internal name of the entity.
- SS
- The shear strength.
- The fatigue threshold if the S-N curve is defined by equation (LCID < 0).
- The fatigue threshold stress for the i-th segment which acts as the lower stress limit of that segment.
- The constant undrained volumetric thermal expansion coefficient.
- THEXP_curve
- |THEXP| is the ID of a load curve giving thermal expansion coefficient (y-axis) as a function of temperature (x-axis).
- THEXP_flag
- The THEXP_flag.
- The thickness of the adhesive layer.
- timcent
- Minimum time between two generated centers.
- timeelim
- Time duration for sudden elimination of elements.
- timfail
- Minimum time between two failure unlockings.
- Type
- The type of the entity.
- type
- The failure type.
- usr1
- User parameter 1.
- usr2
- User parameter 2.
- usr3
- User parameter 3.
- usr4
- User parameter 4.
- usr5
- User parameter 5.
- usr6
- User parameter 6.
- usr7
- User parameter 7.
- usr8
- User parameter 8.
- usr9
- User parameter 9.
- usr10
- User parameter 10.
- usr11
- User parameter 11.
- usr12
- User parameter 12.
- usr13
- User parameter 13.
- usr14
- User parameter 14.
- usr15
- User parameter 15.
- usr16
- User parameter 16.
- usr17
- User parameter 17.
- usr18
- User parameter 18.
- usr19
- User parameter 19.
- usr20
- User parameter 20.
- usr21
- User parameter 21.
- usr22
- User parameter 22.
- usr23
- User parameter 23.
- usr24
- User parameter 24.
- usr25
- User parameter 25.
- usr26
- User parameter 26.
- usr27
- User parameter 27.
- usr28
- User parameter 28.
- usr29
- User parameter 29.
- usr30
- User parameter 30.
- usr31
- User parameter 31.
- usr32
- User parameter 32.
- V1
- The components of vector, v, for AOPT = 3 and 4.
- V2
- The components of vector, v, for AOPT = 3 and 4.
- V3
- The components of vector, v, for AOPT = 3 and 4.
- The volumetric strain at failure.
- The volume fraction required to fail before the element is deleted.
- The weight of this link/network/phase used when computing total stress.
- X0
- The coefficient of Anagonye and Wang [1999] porosity equation for the leakage area.
- X1
- The coefficient of Anagonye and Wang [1999] porosity equation for the leakage area.
- X2
- The coefficient of the porosity equation of Anagonye and Wang [1999].
- X3
- The coefficient of the porosity equation of Anagonye and Wang [1999].
- XP
- The coordinates of point p for AOPT = 1 for *MAT_ADD_PZELECTRIC.
- YP
- The coordinates of point p for AOPT = 1 for *MAT_ADD_PZELECTRIC.
- ZP
- The coordinates of point p for AOPT = 1 for *MAT_ADD_PZELECTRIC.
Version History
2022.2 - Added new data names ADD_option, AREAEQ, CON_ID, DDGPR, DDGPR_Funct, DETAN, DETAN_Funct, DEXSB, DEXSB_Funct, DEXSN, DEXSN_Funct, DEXSS, DEXSS_Funct, DGFAD, DGFAD_Funct, DGPR, DGTYP, DLCSB, DLCSN, DLCSS, DRANK, DSB, DSB_Funct, DSCLMRR, DSIGY, DSIGY_Curve, DSIGY_Funct, DSN, DSN_Funct, DSS, DSS_Funct, ETAN, EXSB, EXSN, EXSS, GFAD, LCSB, LCSN, LCSS, MID_array, MOARFL, Number_of_Materials, OPT_DSIGY_curve, OPT_SIGY_curve, PRUL, RANK, SB, SCLMRR, SIGY, SIGY_Curve, SN, and SS. Added a new config value 111.
2023 - Added new config values 401. Added new data names a1, a2, a3, a4, afailb, afailn, afails, afailt, alpha, ascalf, beta, d1, d2, dc, dmgelim, enercrid, entities, epsin, faild, failt, filter, ifmon, ifrcdir, intf1, intf2, irupopt, lcscale, numdata, plim, plugname, qualifier, qualifier1, radiusave, rc, scalrad, timcent, timeelim, timfail, type, usr1, usr2, usr3, usr4, usr5, usr6, usr7, usr8, usr9, usr10, usr11, usr12, usr13, usr14, usr15, usr16, usr17, usr18, usr19, usr20, usr21, usr22, usr23, usr24, usr25, usr26, usr27, usr28, usr29, usr30, usr31, and usr32.