Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise.
- applied
- The flag to display applied forces.
- arrowlength
- The plot arrow length. Default is 75 (%).
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- averaging
- The averaging mode.
- categoryforce
- The flag to show/hide FBD plot force options to show/hide arrows.
- categorymoment
- The flag to show/hide FBD plot moment options to show/hide arrows.
- categoryoptions
- The flag to show/hide FBD plot options.
- categorysectiontype
- The flag to show/hide section type plot options.
- categorysystemtype
- The flag to show/hide system type plot options.
- color
- The 1-64 color of the entity.
- color_rgb
- The RGB color of the entity.
- complexfilter
- The complex filter mode.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- contour_enable_iso
- The flag to enable the iso plot.
- contour_label
- The flag to enable contour labels to show min/max locations.
- corner
- The flag to request corner data.
- custom_legend
- The flag enabling custom legend for the plotcontrol entity (default 0).
- datacomponent
- The datacomponent corresponding to the datatype specified.
- datatype
- The result datatype which is used for plotting.
- decimallimit
- The decimal limit (default 2).
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- deformed_scaling_mode
- The deformation plot scaling mode. Valid value is “Scale Factor”.
- deformed_scaling_type
- The deformation plot scaling type. Valid value is “Uniform”.
- deformed_scale_uniform
- The deformation plot uniform scale factor.
- deformed_undef_display_mode
- The undeformed shape display mode.
- fbdids
- The IDs of the freebodysection entities.
- forcedisplay
- The force display options.
- forcenormal
- The flag to display normal force.
- forcetangent
- The flag to display tangent force.
- forcex
- The flag to display Fx force.
- forcexyz
- The flag to display Fxyz force.
- forcey
- The flag to display Fy force.
- forcez
- The flag to display Fz force.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- ids
- The entity IDs (nodes, elements, components) which are used for result plotting.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- internal
- The flag to display grid point data internal forces.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- internalname
- The internal name of the entity.
- layer
- The layer corresponding to the datatype specified.
- legend
- The ID of the legend entity assigned to the plotcontrol entity.
- legend_visibility
- Controls the visibility of the associated legend (default true).
- marker_displayColor
- The marker plot entity color. Valid values are 1-64.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- momentdisplay
- The moment display options.
- momentnormal
- The flag to display normal moment.
- momenttangent
- The flag to display tangent moment.
- momentx
- The flag to display Mx moment.
- momentxyz
- The flag to display Mxyz moment.
- momenty
- The flag to display My moment.
- mpc
- The flag to display MPC forces.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- numeric_format
- The format of the marker values.
- numeric_precision
- The precision of the marker values. Valid values are 0-12 (default 2).
- omega_t
- The phase value.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- plot
- The plot state indicating whether it is plotted or not.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- resolved
- The system in which the result values are transformed to.
- resolveintype
- The system in which to resolve the data.
- scale
- 1 - Constant arrow length (default)
- sectiondatatype
- The force/moment data type option when sectiontype=1.
- sectiontype
- 1 - Force/Moment (Default)
- show_entityid
- The flag to enable the display of entity ID in marker text.
- show_value_multiline
- The flag to enable the display of the marker text in multiline. If false, the marker text will be displayed as a single line of text.
- showvalues
- The flag to show the plot values (default true).
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- solvername
- The solver name of the entity for entities enabled for name pool, otherwise the internal name of the entity.
- spc
- The flag to display applied SPC forces.
- Style
- 1 - 3D arrow (Default)
- system
- The system ID which the result values are transformed to.
- systemids
- The ID for the system when resolveintype=3.
- tensor_data_components
- Represents the combination of the active data components (XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, ZX).
- tensor_format
- The tensor plotting format. Valid value is Component.
- tensor_scale
- The tensor arrow size scaling factor.
- tensor_show_normal_prefix
- The flag to show the tensor normal value’s prefix.
- tensor_show_normal_values
- The flag to show the tensor normal values.
- tensor_show_shear_prefix
- The flag to show the tensor shear value’s prefix.
- tensor_show_shear_values
- The flag to show the tensor shear values.
- tensor_size_scaling_mode
- The tensor size scaling mode.
- tolerance
- The tolerance to limit the values (default 0.0001).
- txy
- The flag to display tensor XY component.
- tyz
- The flag to display tensor YZ component.
- tzx
- The flag to display tensor ZX component.
- value_format
- The numeric format for vector or tensor values.
- value_precision
The numeric precision for vector or tensor values. Valid values are integers in the range of 0 to 12.
- vector_data_components
- Represents the combination of the active data components (X, Y, Z, Resultant).
- vector_scale
- The vector size scaling factor.
- vector_size_scaling_mode
- The vector arrow size scaling.
- vector_show_prefix
- The flag to show vector value’s prefix.
- vector_show_values
- The flag to show vector values.
- vres
- The flag to display vector plot resultant.
- vx
- The flag to display vector plot x component.
- vy
- The flag to display vector plot y component.
- vz
- The flag to display vector plot z component.
Version History
2022.1 - Added new data names custom_legend and legend. Removed data names tensor_color_by_mode and vector_color_by_mode.
2022.3 - Added new config value 6 and new data names marker_displayColor, numeric_format, numeric_precision show_entityid, and show_value_multiline.
2023 - Added new config value 7 and new data names applied, arrowlength, categoryforce, categorymoment, categoryoptions, categorysectiontype, categorysystemtype, decimallimit, fbdids, forcedisplay, forcenormal, forcetangent, forcex, forcexyz, forcey, forcez, internal, legend_visibility, momentdisplay, momentnormal, momenttangent, momentx, momentxyz, momenty, mpc, resolveintype, scale, sectiondatatype, sectiontype, showvalues, spc, Style, and systemids, tensor_data_components and vector_data_components.