Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- color
- The 1-64 color of the entity.
- color_rgb
- The RGB color of the entity.
- componentid
- The ID of the part.
- compxx
- The XX component of the inertia tensor.
- compxy
- The XY component of the inertia tensor.
- compxz
- The XZ component of the inertia tensor.
- compyy
- The YY component of the inertia tensor.
- compyz
- The YZ component of the inertia tensor.
- compzz
- The ZZ component of the inertia tensor.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- csid
- The ID of the coordinate system ID.
- curveid
- The ID of the optional load curve ID to scale the added mass at time 0.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- distribution
- An optional flag for mass-weighted distribution, valid for SET option only:
- entityids
- The nodes or part IDs the mass is applied to.
- entityidsmax
- The number of nodes or parts the mass is applied to.
- finalmass
- The final translational mass of the part ID or part set ID. The total mass of the PID or SID is computed and subtracted from the final mass of the part or part set to obtain the added translational mass, which must exceed zero.
- iflags
- Flag to switch between area weighted distribution and volume weighted distribution of the added mass to parts.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- internalname
- The internal name of the entity.
- listofmasses
- The list of masses.
- For NSm: non-structural mass per unit Length (1D elements), per unit Area (2D elements), or per unit Volume (3D elements).
- For NSML: a lumped mass value to be distributed over all the listed elements and elements referencing listed properties.
- For NSGE: non-structural material damping value.
- location_unit_solvermass
- The IDs of the child masses (config 101) for a parent mass (config 105).
- masses
- The added mass value.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- nodalgroupid
- The ID of the parent mass (config 105) for child masses (config 101).
- nodeid
- The ID of the node to which the mass is assigned.
- nsge_end_id
- The ending property, element, or element set ID for config=303.
- nsge_list_or_range
- The LIST or RANGE value for config=303 (default LIST).
- nsge_start_id
- The starting property, element. or element set ID for config=303.
- nsgeadd_entity_list
- The ID of non-structural material damping sets defined via NSGE and NSGE1 entries for config=305.
- nsgeadd_num
- The number of non-structural material damping sets (NSGE and NSGE1) for config=305 (default 1).
- nsm_all
- The activate flag.
- nsm_all_option
- The set points to either property entries or element entries. Properties are: PSHELL, PCOMP, PCOMPG, PBAR, PBARL, PBEAM, PBEAML, PBCOMP, PROD, PBEND, PSHEAR and PTUBE. For element entries, the list of individual element IDs of element that can have NSM.
- nsm_cardlist
- The card type.
- nsm_definition
- Enables the use of category for NSM definition (optional for setting value).
- nsm_ids
- The property, element, or element set IDs.
- nsm_num
- The number of masses and property, element, or element set IDs.
- nsm_proptype
- nsmadd_entity_list
- The ID of nonstructural mass sets defined via NSM, NSM1, NSML, and NSML1 entries for config=304.
- nsmadd_num
- The number of nonstructural masses (NSM, NSM1, NSML, and NSML1) for config=304 (default 1).
- offsetoption
- True to enable the OFFSET option for config 106.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- setid
- The ID of the node/surf/part set the mass is applied to.
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- solvername
- The solver name of the entity for entities enabled for name pool, otherwise the internal name of the entity.
- totalmass
- Returns the total mass for config 105.
- type
- The type of solvermass.
- xoffset
- The x offset from the nodal point.
- yoffset
- The y offset from the nodal point.
- zoffset
- The z offset from the nodal point.
Version History
2020 - Added new data name color_rgb.
2020 - Added new config values 101-106. Added new data names componentid, compxx, compxy, compxz, compyy, compyz, compzz, csid, curveid, distribution, finalmass, location_unit_solvermass, nodalgroupid, nodeid, offsetoption, totalmass, xoffset, yoffset and zoffset.
2020.1 - Added new data name solverkeyword.
2021.1 - Added new data names moduleid, poolid, poolname, and solver_id.
2021.2 - Added new data names internalname and solvername.
2023 - Added new config values 301-305. Added new data names listofmasses, nsge_end_id, nsge_list_or_range, nsge_start_id, nsgeadd_entity_list, nsgeadd_num, nsm_all, nsm_all_option, nsm_cardlist, nsm_definition, nsm_ids, nsm_num, nsm_proptype, nsmadd_entity_list, and nsmadd_num.