
Creates an airbag folding table.


*createfoldingtable airbagmark=<mark_id> originnode=<value> xaxisnode=<value> planenode=<value> fabricnodeid=<value> ?exportdir=<value>? ?gap=<value>? ?righthanded=<value>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Creates the table rigid body for the purpose of folding the airbag. The table is created below the airbag. The model should contain no systems and it should be a runnable solver deck.


The ID of the mark containing the airbag components. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The ID of the node defining the initial position of local x axis vector of the folding table with this point as the origin.
The ID of the node defining the final position of local x axis vector of the folding table.
The ID of the node defining the plane parallel to the airbag plane. All three nodes (originnode, xaxisnode and planenode) are used to define a plane parallel to the airbag plane. This node must not lie on the line formed by originnode and xaxisnode to create a valid plane.
The ID of the node defining a point on the airbag fabric which is used to cross reference the upper fabric component of the airbag and is used as reference point for tuck fold for translation distance of the tuck tool.
The distance between the bounding box of the airbag and the folding table in the local frame defined by the originnode, xaxisnode and planenode nodes.
If true (1), the righthand rule is applied from originnode to xaxisnode vector to originnode to planenode vector and the folding table is created in the positive thumb direction from the airbag (default). Otherwise, set to false (0).
The directory path where the resulting solver deck is exported. User should have the write permission in this directory. Default is set to the location defined by the environment variable ALTAIR_HOME.


To create the airbag folding table:
*createmark comps 1 all
*createfoldingtable airbagmark=1 gap=2.0 exportdir=E:/data originnode=100 xaxisnode=101 planenode=102 righthanded=1 fabricnodeid=200            


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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