Creates a new mbplane entity.
*mbplanecreatewithcoords name color type origin origin_size xaxis xaxis_size yaxis yaxis_size multibodyid
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Creates a new mbplane entity.
- name
- The name of the mbplane.
- color
- The color value of the mbplane.
- type
- The type definition to be used later.
- origin
- ID of an array containing the coordinates of the mbplane’s origin node.
- origin_size
- Size of the origin node array.
- xaxis
- ID of an array containing the mbplane’s x-axis node.
- xaxis_size
- Size of the xaxis node array.
- yaxis
- ID of an array containing the mbplane’s y-axis node.
- yaxis_size
- Size of the yaxis node array.
- multibodyid
- The ID of the multibody to which the mbplane is attached.
To create an MB plane with the name "kneebolsterplane":
*createdoublearray 3 7 0 20
*createdoublearray 3 0 0 20
*createdoublearray 3 0 20 0
*mbplanecreatewithcoords "kneebolsterplane" 29 0 1 3 1 3 1 3 1