Positions selected entities in space.
*positionentity entity_type <select_type>=<selection> source_coords={<value>} target_coords={<value>}
*positionentity entity_type <select_type>=<selection> source_nodes={<value>} target_nodes={<value>}
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Positions selected entities in space. You can specify one, two, or three special points either by providing lists of coordinates or a list of node IDs.
- entity_type
- The type of entity to modify.
- <select_type>=<selection>
- The entity or entities that are to be modified. There are several ways to provide the
entities to be modified. Only one option can be used at a time:
- id=<id>
- The ID of the single entity to modify.
- name=<name>
- The name of the single entity to modify.
- mark=<mark_id>
- The ID of the mark containing the entities to modify.
- user_ids={<id1> <id2> ... <idN>}
- The IDs of one or more entities to modify.
- user_names={<name1> <name2> ... <nameN>}
- The names of one or more entities to modify.
- source_coords={<value>}
- The list of lists of x, y, z coordinates for source points.
- target_coords={<value>}
- The list of lists of x, y, z coordinates for target points.
- source_nodes={<value>}
- The list of source node IDs.
- target_nodes={<value>}
- The list of target node IDs.
*positionentity comps id=42 source_coords= {{1268.2080057472 1390.3206502704 261.94218701528} {1453.2078889448 1211.6243689829 214.0606603456} {1268.2079790993 1032.9281037002 166.17913259364}} target_coords= {{83.410371153542 206.5 174.00000024836} {268.41037026165 206.5 -10.999999839969} {83.410373806586 206.5 -196.00000026844}}
*positionentity comps id=42 source_coords= {{1268.2080057472 1390.3206502704 261.94218701528} {1453.2078889448 1211.6243689829 214.0606603456}} target_coords= {{83.410371153542 206.5 174.00000024836} {268.41037026165 206.5 -10.999999839969}}
*positionentity comps id=42 source_coords= {{1268.2080057472 1390.3206502704 261.94218701528} } target_coords= {{83.410371153542 206.5 174.00000024836} }
To position component ID 42 using source nodes and target nodes:
*positionentity comps id=42 source_nodes={221417 221416 221415} target_nodes={221414 221413 221412}
*positionentity comps id=42 source_nodes={221417 221416} target_nodes={221414 221413}
*positionentity comps id=42 source_nodes={221417} target_nodes={221414}
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
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