Creates an FBD displacement plot and fields or loads from the results for a
freebodysection entity.
entity_ids string_array number_of_strings
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Creates an FBD displacement plot and fields or loads from the results for a freebodysection
entity with config=3 (FBD Plot). This queries the displacement data from
the result entity on a freebodysection.
- entity_ids
- The list of freebodysection entity IDs.
- string_array
- The ID of the string array that contains the additional input parameters. The string
array is created using the *createstringarray command. This should
always be set to 1.
- Valid parameters and their syntax are:
- arrlen=<value>
- Controls the FBD plot arrow length. Default is 75 (%).
- arroworigin=<value>
- 0 - Tail of arrow at node for the plot (default)
- 1 - Tip of arrow at node for the plot
- colorfx=<value>
- The color of the Fx arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colorfxy=<value>
- The color of the Fxy arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colorfxyz=<value>
- The color of the Fxyz arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colorfxz=<value>
- The color of the Fxz arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colorfy=<value>
- The color of the Fy arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colorfyz=<value>
- The color of the Fyz arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colorfz=<value>
- The color of the Fz arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colormx=<value>
- The color of the Mx arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colormxy=<value>
- The color of the Mxy arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colormxyz=<value>
- The color of the Mxyz arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colormxz=<value>
- The color of the Mxz arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colormy=<value>
- The color of the My arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colormyz=<value>
- The color of the Myz arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- colormz=<value>
- The color of the Mz arrow. Valid values are 1-64.
- createfield=<value>
- 0 - Do not create a nodal displacement field (default)
- 1 - Create a nodal displacement field
- createload=<value>
- 0 - Do not create FBD displacement loads (default)
- 1 - Create FBD displacement loads
- declim=<value>
- Controls the decimal limit. Default is 2.
- display=<value>
- 0 - Do not plot FBD displacements
- 1 - Plot FBD displacements (default)
- displacement=<value>
- 0 - Applied forces are not participating in the FBD calculation (default)
- 1 - Applied forces are participating in the FBD calculation
- freenode=<value>
- Currently must be set to 2. This is a mandatory argument.
- fx=<value>
- 0 - Fx translations are not included in the plot, load or field creation
- 1 - Fx translations are included in the plot, load or field creation
- fxy=<value>
- 0 - Fxy resultant translations are not included in the plot (default)
- 1 - Fxy resultant translations are included in the plot
- fxyz=<value>
- 0 - Fxyz resultant translations are not included in the plot (default)
- 1 - Fxyz resultant translations are included in the plot
- fxz=<value>
- 0 - Fxz resultant translations are not included in the plot (default)
- 1 - Fxz resultant translations are included in the plot
- fy=<value>
- 0 - Fy translations are not included in the plot, load or field creation
- 1 - Fy translations are included in the plot, load or field creation
- fyz=<value>
- 0 - Fyz resultant translations are not included in the plot (default)
- 1 - Fyz resultant translations are included in the plot
- fz=<value>
- 0 - Fz translations are not included in the plot, load or field creation
- 1 - Fz translations are included in the plot, load or field creation
- mx=<value>
- 0 - Mx rotations are not included in the plot, load or field creation
- 1 - Mx rotations are included in the plot, load or field creation
- mxy=<value>
- 0 - Mxy resultant rotations are not included in the plot (default)
- 1 - Mxy resultant rotations are included in the plot
- mxyz=<value>
- 0 - Mxyz resultant rotations are not included in the plot (default)
- 1 - Mxyz resultant rotations are included in the plot
- mxz=<value>
- 0 - Mxz resultant rotations are not included in the plot (default)
- 1 - Mxz resultant rotations are included in the plot
- my=<value>
- 0 - My rotations are not included in the plot, load or field creation
- 1 - My rotations are included in the plot, load or field creation
- myz=<value>
- 0 - Myz resultant rotations are not included in the plot (default)
- 1 - Myz resultant rotations are included in the plot
- mz=<value>
- 0 - Mz rotations are not included in the plot, load or field creation
- 1 - Mz rotations are included in the plot, load or field creation
- resfileid=<value>
- The result file ID for resultid. Useful when multiple result files are loaded
for a single result entity.
- resolvein_sys=<value>
- 1 - Resolve in global system
- 2 - Resolve in user system
- 3 – Freebody section system
- resultid=<value>
- The result entity ID.
- rotation=<value>
- 0 - SPC forces are not participating in the FBD calculation (default)
- 1 - SPC forces are participating in the FBD calculation
- scid=<value>
- The results subcase ID for result entity specified by
- scientific=<value>
- 0 - Fixed format text (default)
- 1 - Scientific format text
- showvalue=<value>
- 0 - Show text (default)
- 1 - Hide text
- sizescale=<value>
- 0 - Constant FBD plot arrow length (default)
- 1 - Magnitude FBD plot arrow length
- stepid=<value>
- The step/simulation ID for results subcase specified by
- tolerance=<value>
- The tolerance to limit the values. Default is 0.0001.
- user_sys_id=<value>
- The system ID when resolvein_sys =2.
- vecstyle=<value>
- 0 - 3D FBD plot arrow (default)
- 1 - 2D FBD plot arrow
- number_of_strings
- Integer indicating the size (number of strings) in the string array created using
To create an FBD Displacement
*createstringarray 47 "scientific=0" "arroworigin=0" "tolerance=0.0001" "resolvein_sys=3" "user_sys_id=0" "scid=1" "resfileid=2" "resultid=1" "color=1" "showvalue=1" "stepid=0" "sizescale=0" "vecstyle=0" "fx=1" "fy=1" "fz=1" "mx=0" "my=0" "mz=0" "fxy=0" "fyz=0" "fxz=0" "mxy=0" "myz=0" "mxz=0" "fxyz=0" "mxyz=0" "displacement=1" "rotation=1" "arrlen=75" "declim=3" "freenode=2" "display=1" "colorfx=3" "colorfy=4" "colorfz=5" "colorfxy=1" "colorfyz=2" "colorfxz=7" "colorfxyz=6" "colormx=3" "colormy=4" "colormz=5" "colormxy=1" "colormyz=2" "colormxz=7" "colormxyz=6"
*freebodysectiondisplacement {1 2 3} 1 47
Incorrect usage results in a
Tcl error. To detect
errors, you can use the
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error